Click the Install button and select Configure.Find the Companion of the Lamb extension on Twitch.In order to utilize the Twitch integration with Cult of the Lamb, you'll need to install the Companion of the Lamb extension on Twitch. First, the chat will collectively vote on whether they would like to help or hinder you in-game, followed by a vote on the specific outcome. Your Twitch chat will be able to participate in periodic Help or Hinder events.If selected, they will be able to customize their Follower and their Twitch username will appear in-game above the Follower's head. This is done through a raffle system that viewers will need to opt-in to in order to participate. The ability to turn your Twitch chat into Viewer Followers.Once enough contributions have been received, theTotem will glow purple and you'll be able to receive a random reward. A Twitch Totem that allows your viewers to contribute Channel Points to fill up the Totem.
So, if you're playing on console, you aren't able to utilize this feature at this time. Twitch integration currently only works with Cult of the Lamb on PC.